Wednesday, June 30, 2010


First off, congratulations to my better half, Susan (Half Marathon) & Mr.Chew (10km run) for having completed their respective events at the 2010 Kuala Lumpur Marathon. And Mr.Tan, if you're reading this, a super congratulations to you for completing the whole marathon!!! (For the uninitiated, a full marathon is 42.2km, half marathon 21.1km all completed on foot!). We are really proud of all of you & as cliché as this may sound, they have certainly proven that all things are possible if you put your mind to it (still, I can't imagine running at a god-forsaken hour for 5-6hours!) If it's any consolation, it would have given you a closer look at all the potholes in the roads of Kuala Lumpur! (As proof of their participation, click on their names to see the photo & details of the event  Mr.Chew - I hope i got yours right!).

Coming back to other events of the day, all I can say is verdammt noch mal (Bloody Hell!) !! The Germans truly showed who were the meister and in all honesty, quite deservingly so. Starting off with F1, Sebastian V was never going to go wrong being in front unless his partner was beside him because Mr.Webber decided to take flying lessons! 

However, kudos to Mr.Webber for not playing the blame game on Kovalainen as too often top runners tend to do. Then again, it was probably because it was him who ran into Kovalainen! Nevertheless, it was a spectacular crash & thank goodness for the strict safety standards in F1, he literally just got out & walked! But the drama doesn't end there. Mr.Hamilton did a pretty sneaky thing (or as he said "marginal") & overtook the safety car as it came out. Although that earned him drive-through penalty, by virtue of having got ahead of the safety car, he easily could get in & out ahead of everyone else. So... naughty move Mr.Hamilton, but I guess in F1, it's always about being 'marginal'. Mr.Schumacher also was a victim of the Safety Car fiasco. For some reason, the lights turned red as he was about to exit the pit-lane. So, with all this going ons, looks like another re-look into the whole Safety Car rules, which no one really understood to begin with! 

So, it's was 1-0 for Germany as Sebastian V crossed the line before both the Brits.

The next event featured the much anticipated World Cup tie between the Germans & English. We all know the result now & ironically, the Germans once again beat the English & the Italian! I still maintain that if the 2nd English goal was allowed, things would be quite different. So, just as in F1, that there will be a rethink at the Safety Car rule, in football, there's now considerable pressure to at least allow goal-line technology. Although FIFA reasoned for not using such technology is the lame excuse of  'maintaining the beauty of the game' in allowing such incidents to happen, I believe it's more the fact that they did not use it first before the Americans did for their 'football'!

In the end, it was truly a day for the Germans, Gratulation!!

Anyway, apologies for the long post, but it was after all quite an eventful day! 

The results for the race as follows :

Position Driver   Points
1 Sebastian Vettel  SV 25
2 Lewis Hamilton  LH 18
3 Jenson Button  JB 15
4 Rubens Barrichello  RB 12
5 Robert Kubica  RK 10
6 Adrian Sutil  AS 8
7 Kamui Kobayashi  KK 6
8 Fernando Alonso  FA 4
9 Sebastien Buemi  SB 2
10 Nico Rosberg  NR 1
11 Felipe Massa  FM 0
12 Pedro de la Rosa  PR 0
13 Jaime Alguersuari  JA 0
14 Vitaly Petrov  VP 0
15 Michael Schumacher  MS 0
16 Vitantonio Liuzzi  VL 0
17 Lucas di Grassi  LG 0
18 Karun Chandhok  KC 0
19 Timo Glock  TG 0
20 Bruno Senna  BS 0
21 Jarno Trulli  JT 0
Ret  Nico Hulkenberg  NH 0
Ret  Heikki Kovalainen  HK 0
Ret  Mark Webber  MW 0

Choice Points Previous Total Pos
C&AL SV 25 FA 4 LH 18 47 357 404 1
NF SV 25 FA 4 LH 18 47 337 384 2
VF MW 0 SV 25 FA 4 29 344 373 3
CCK SV 25 MW 0 FA 4 29 331 360 4
TC LH 18 MW 0 FA 4 22 334 356 5
R&SW SV 25 FA 4 LH 18 47 303 350 6

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2010 FORMULA 1 TELEFÓNICA GRAND PRIX OF EUROPE (VALENCIA) / World Cup 2010 - The Comida or Lebensmittel

So, what a day it was. But it doesn't end there as there's always the food! Since this was a Spanish, German & English affair, we pretty much have a mix of stuff although not necessary in theme!

Here's the grub..!

First off, the excellent roast pork. Sounds very European but basically this is our very own 'siew yok'!

Then, the very impressive Paella, courtesy of Audrey!

The roast pork was so good, it deserves another viewing! Yum!

Very delicious potato salad

The Sauce for the Roast Pork although tastes great with bread as well.

This is a great concoction by Mr.Chew, a mix of olives, olive oil & something I forgot! Goes well with bread & roast pork as well! (The pork seems to come up all the time!)

A view of the whole spread

Finally, for dessert, I figured, since it was a mix of sorts, I came up with our very own rojak! Apparently it was quite good.. ;-)

Once again, everyone outdid ourselves. Applause to all who contributed. If the results of the intended event was not to our liking, the food is always the saving grace.

So, until the next race, which will feature the English again, hope you enjoyed this post.

Hasta la vista!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Look

Just in case you wandered back into this site & found that it looks different, well, it is!

I decided to play around with some of the different designs & thought I give this a go. Hope you like it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It has been the bulls for a while ... now looks like the arrow are back with the horses creeping slowly behind!

Lewis H did well to keep his Pole till the end of the race..... what else is there to say! ;-)
Then there's JB's 2nd place, pretty good coming from 4th although it was not without any assistance from the back markers!! Finally, Ferrari is back on the podium! Hopefully this is a sign of things to come but I suspect this is a minor setback for the Bulls. This is after all a track that is barely used, causing the tires to grained pretty significantly, which in turn caused one the highest number of pit-stops in a race that I can recall in recent races that did not involve the weather!

F1 goes into a short break in line with both the summer holidays as well as the other 'fever' going on before they return back on the 27th of June in Spain. Till then, here are the results of our little pool.

2010 Canadian GP Results
Position Driver   Points
1 Lewis Hamilton  LH 25
2 Jenson Button  JB 18
3 Fernando Alonso  FA 15
4 Sebastian Vettel  SV 12
5 Mark Webber  MW 10
6 Nico Rosberg  NR 8
7 Robert Kubica  RK 6
8 Sebastien Buemi  SB 4
9 Vitantonio Liuzzi  VL 2
10 Adrian Sutil  AS 1
11 Michael Schumacher  MS 0
12 Jaime Alguersuari  JA 0
13 Nico Hulkenberg  NH 0
14 Rubens Barrichello  RB 0
15 Felipe Massa  FM 0
16 Heikki Kovalainen  HK 0
17 Vitaly Petrov  VP 0
18 Karun Chandhok  KC 0
19 Lucas di Grassi  LG 0
Ret  Timo Glock  TG 0
Ret  Jarno Trulli  JT 0
Ret  Pedro de la Rosa  PR 0
Ret  Bruno Senna  BS 0
Ret  Kamui Kobayashi  KK 0

2010 Canadian GP
  Choice Points Previous Total Pos
C&AL LH 25 MW 10 FA 15 50 307 357 1
VF LH 25 SV 12 FA 15 52 292 344 2
NF LH 25 SV 12 FA 15 52 285 337 3
TC LH 25 MW 10 FA 15 50 284 334 4
CCK SV 12 JB 18 FA 15 45 286 331 5
R&SW LH 25 SV 12 FA 15 52 251 303 6

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2010 FORMULA 1 TURKISH GRAND PRIX (Istanbul) - The Gida (Food)!!!

Moving back to 'tradition', well, at least an attempt to conjure up a menu reflective of the race location, the theme this time is basically middle-eastern/Turkish fare. Here's a reminder of what we had.

Essentially, we decided that naan would be close enough to what turkish people would eat... but there were some surprises ...

Presenting the mousaka with turkish rice...... !!! (Compliments of Mr.C!)

A close up of the mousaka...

Here's our assumed middle-eastern fare.... the ever delicious tandoori chicken to go with the naan (we had both normal & garlic.... !)

The excellent kurma....(by the ever resourceful Pat L)

Another view of the spread with the naan, rotis ... plenty grub!

This was an excellent compliment to the whole meal. Apparently turkish, it's some chilli oil with fried garlic & dried chillies..... I took this just with the naan.. simply tasty! (Compliments of DF)

The ever necessary salad..

Dessert was the ever popular suji cake

Then a Turkish delight...the Baklava..... absolutely exquisite (with pinky out & all) (once again... from Pat L)

If that's not enough, I'm not sure what is! Once again, we out-did ourselves & the meal simply brilliant!

The next race will be in Montreal, which means we will have a break from our little food adventure (& our yelling & shrieking!). The next time we might get together would be during the Valencia race on the 27th of June. Which also means, we're back to Spanish fare. However, we have some members who will be attempting a marathon (in some shape or form) on the same day. So, we'll plan as we get closer.

Anyway, well done to all who contributed.... simply first-rate! Cheerio.