Monday, July 30, 2012


As we move into the 'summer' break (who needs summer where we are!!), the Hungarian race saw a very little change in the leaderboard. This time around, FA is fortunate to have his immediate challenges mess up their strategies instead of Ferrari bumbling through like they did in Canada. Due to this however, amazingly, despite having only managed a 5th position, FA not only maintained his 1st place, but actually increased the gap!

It was always a foregone conclusion that McLarens would do well here and with LH at the front, unless they did what they did to JB, he was not going to lose. I would add some conspiracy to the whole thing as JB's strategy was changed during the race from a 2 stop to 3 stops even though he wasn't complaining and that his tires were in fact still good when they brought him in, not to mention the fact that he got out into traffic. Food for thought?

KR being himself, charged like a mad Finn and probably didn't know where he was but continued charging anyway, ended up in 2nd. Notwithstanding the fact that he's now also in the frame for a possible return to Ferrari. What I didn't realise was that, apparently he had a bit of a tiff with the boss (Mr.Luca) and that was the reason he left Ferrari. I suspect it was not so much a tiff than him being his mumbling self that a lot of what he said to the boss was probably lost in translation!!

So here we are, as we take a break, moving from one sport to the next, the Olympics!! Already a number of upsets have started with Spain being kicked out of football & Michael Phelps losing his first chance of a medal... and some pregnant woman trying to shoot a target with a baby kicking! (Not quite a upset this, more of a pretty dumb decision to send her in the first place!!)

As for our little league, some changes at the top, the bottom remains fairly static. As we're about halfway the season, the Chews are at both ends of the league and 50 points for me to catch up would be quite a tall order. But who knows, with the way the season has been so far, anything can happen.

So, have a good break and enjoy the Olympics!!

The results as follows :

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